Academic Employment

Lazear Liang Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2024-

Postdoctoral Scholar, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 2022-2023

Research Assistant, Peking University, 2017-2018


Ph.D. in Economics, National School of Development / CCER, Peking University, 2022

MPA in Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Policy, New York University, 2017

BSSc (Honors) in Government and International Studies (Major), Applied Economics (Minor), Hong Kong Baptist University, 2015

Certificate in Social Sciences and Humanities, Sciences Po. Paris (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris), 2014

Referee Services

Economics journals: Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Health Economics, China Economic Review, 经济学(季刊)

Health journals: Social Science & Medicine, Health Systems & Reform, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, BMJ Public Health, BMC Public Health, BMC Geriatrics

Other Professional Activities

Moderator, Young Researcher Workshop, Stanford Center on China’s Economy & Institutions, Spring/Fall, 2024

Coordinator, Workshop on Health and Labor Economics, National School of Development, School of Economics, Fall 2018 - Spring 2021

Chair of the Awards Committee, Harvard SPH Postdoctoral Association, 2022-2023

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, PKU, 2021

The Wasserman Center Internship Grant, NYU, 2016

Outstanding Student Award, Faculty of Social Science, HKBU, 2014 - 2015

Scholastic Award for Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honors), HKBU, 2014 - 2015

Honorable Mention, Library Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research, HKBU, 2014

President’s Honor Roll, HKBU, 2013-2015

Dean’s List, HKBU, 2012

Admission Scholarship Scheme for the Mainland Applicants HKBU, 2012-2015

Talent Development Scholarship, HKSAR Government, 2011

Reaching Out Award, HKSAR Government, 2011

Research Projects & Experience

Participant, Taikang Yicai Special Fund for Public Health and Epidemic Prevention, 2021-2023

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Innovative Community or Home-based Model for Elderly Care (PI: Xiaoyan Lei) 

Participant, Peking University, China Center for Health Economic Research, 2020-2023

Health and Economic Growth in China (PI: Gordon Guoen Liu)

Participant, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2023

Families, Households and Health in Ageing Populations: Projections and Implications (PI: Xiaoyan Lei), an interdisciplinary program in cooperation with United Kingdom

Participant, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2023

Influence of Migration on the Reproductive Behavior under the Background of Low Fertility (PI: Zhenjie Wang)

Participant, UK Research and Innovation, 2019-2022

Peak Urban Program (Population research team lead in PKU: Zhenjie Wang)

Participant, National Health Commission of China, 2019-2020

Projection of Population Health and Health Expenditure in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan (PI: Xiaoyan Lei)

Participant, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019-2020

The Health Program for Poverty Alleviation based on Randomized Controlled Trials in Liangshan, China (PI: Gordon Guoen Liu)

Participant, Renmin University of China, 2017

Xiong’an Population Living Project – Baseline Survey

Consultant, United Nations Population Fund, 2016-2017

Assessing the Engagement of the United Nations Population Fund in Middle-Income Countries (contributed to the 2017-2021 Five-Year Plan of the UNFPA)

Program Coordinator, New York University, 2016-2017

Ghanaian Women’s Social Leadership Program (coordinated a week-long development training program in Ghana)


Language: Chinese (Native), English (Professional proficiency)

Computer: Stata, R, LaTeX